Monday, 26 May 2008

Promotional Tees

Before Jon is on my back for forgetting to post, let's get back on with the promotional golf items and look at promotional tees. I'll look at the individual products in more detail at a later date, but here's an overview for now.

You can get your promotional golf tees packaged in different ways. And it depends how you will use them what's going to be best. There's a wide range of boxes of tees for those feeling generous (or giving them to the likes of my wife with her ability to lose golf tees on every tee shot...) or use the boxes to distibute them individually. Or, if you want to be a bit more classy and useful, give the golf tees out in golf bars. These handy little accessories hold some tees and usually a ball marker or two and can be clipped to the side of the bag for easy access. That's how I hold mine and it usually returns full - unless my wife has done really badly and started using my tees as well.

Leaving her ability to 'distribute' promotional tees across courses in the North West alone, basic tee bars come with 12 golf tees, a divot repair tool and a ball marker. Your logo can be printed onto the divot repair tool and they are around £1.65 each. The top of the range tee bar has the same items, but your logo can be printed not only on the divot repair tool but also onto the ball marker, and the entire item has a much higher price tag feel to it.

If you want something with a bit more of a price tag feel to it then look at the golf tee tin. For around £4.41 each these excellent promotional tees come in a brass box with your logo printed onto the lid.

If you just want a pile of promotional tees, then they can be printed from around 4p each - then just leave them on boxes on counters for sale or as free gifts.

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