Saturday, 20 October 2007

Using Your Promotional Items

So you want to encourage more customers your way, you've decided to run a campaign of promotional items, but what are you going to do to get them noticed?

There are many ideas and ways to distribute your gifts to people and make sure that they are noticed. It all comes down to 1 basic question – “Where are my target audience today?”

If there is a trade show coming up then the answer is simply at least a month before the trade show, get a load of gifts printed up and pass them out there. But what if this is not the case or you want more exposure?

Consider when and where your customers are likely to meet up. For example, are your customers likely to play golf? There’s lot of different demographic groups that meet up on the golf course – young professionals out to do business to early retired gentlemen. From youths hitting their first few balls to the not so early retired in their golf buggies, if you get my meaning!!!

A little research and you can easily find out which sort of people are playing at local clubs. Find one that has plenty of players in your target audience and then find out when the club next has a match on. Offer to provide some gifts for the match, say provide a few dozen Promotional Golf Balls to the players, or try a couple of thousand Promotional Golf Tees and arrange for all players in the competition to receive some when they pick up their score-card. 2,500 tees would only cost around £125 – and that would last quite a few matches!

If you are feeling more adventurous, for a cost of around £150 you could offer to provide a gift of 50 Promotional Golf Sets. These could be used as prizes over several competitions and in this way hopefully the clubs would leave the items on display before the matches started.

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