Monday, 2 June 2008

Promotional Golf Accessories

There are a great range of promotional golf accessories to go along with any marketing campagin you are planning or gettig ready to run. The basic ones, along the lines of the printed golf balls I've already looked at, are the golf balls and golf tees in a tube.

At the other end of the spectrum is the hanging garment carrier - for just over £42 each, these items can be used to carry golf clothing or any other clothing you wish to carry, transport and protect.

Or are you looking for something more suited to a mass distribution or a utility tool? Then there is is the choice of the cleaner for just a few pounds each; the flasks to keep your recipients warm and hydrated out on the course; the putt return for practising the swing and really looking like those American films you see and the rather elegant shoe shine kit - a real bargain and surprise at only around £3.10 a piece!

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