Thursday, 1 November 2007

Busy Season Starting...

The traffic to our website is increasing day on day, which is great. But it reminds me that it is approaching not only a very busy season, but also a season when the post could be going a bit slower.

Most items can take 3 weeks lead time to produce. There are one or two exceptions, which can be rushed through in days, but on the whole most items can take a few weeks. Add to this time for you to send us and agree to artwork layouts and the post going a bit slower around Christmas (and maybe people not being in offices for parties....) and if you are wanting to run a promotion for Christmas, then please get in contact very quickly!

Most orders placed over the next week, up to the end of next week, should be with you by the end of November, but wouldn't want you to be disappointed if your promotional ideas don't work because we can't get your items to you on time.

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