Sunday, 4 November 2007

Promotional Golf Balls

Promotional Golf Ball for'm not a very good golfer and often go around the local muni losing a significant number of balls. There can be the odd day when I get around 9 or even 18 holes and not lose any. Last week the tally was 4 balls in 5 holes. Then I gave up.

Why do I tell you this? Well consider this. Quite often there are people searching the rough for lost golf balls. They collect huge bags of balls and these are then sold as 'pick ups' to the players.

How many of these balls go to people who could be targets of one of my websites?

Being a 'careless' player, I only play with cheap balls. But even lake balls can be printed onto, if the quantity is right. So if I had a few dozen Promotional Golf Balls Printed (like the one above) then on every round of golf the more balls I lost the more marketing I'm doing.

Why not give out a few dozen golf balls to employees, friends etc. As they slowly lose them on golf courses your marketing is being done for you!

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